Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Finally, my own flat!

After being homeless for a month, living through a high school's worth of drama and flighty emotions, and enduring massive confusion, I have been offered my very own flat. Yes, this barren wasteland is mine.

It took me two days to clean it and, sadly enough, only about an hour to unpack all I own. I am priding myself on having no bugs anywhere. Seriously have an aversion thing going with bugs. So I spent a ton of time cleaning, spraying for bugs and generally being OCD about watching out for any potential hiding places. I thought I was doing good. Then I saw a cockroach disappear into the floor crack by the bathtub last night. It now has an amazing amount of highly fragrant bug spray surrounding the entire area. He is either already dead or close to it.

I am all moved in, but have nothing to put on the walls, watch my non-existing cable (we keep hearing that the installation is only a week away...for three weeks now), or cook my imaginary food in. I hope to go shopping with Roy and Josie this weekend to buy the most immediate needs.

We all know I will find great satisfaction in decorating the walls and space, especially since I was planning on doing that anyway.


Mom & Dad said...

That is too bad about no utensils. Great pics!

marquita chiquita said...

Hey! You flat looks great! Also, we finally made it to Korea. Check out our blog and you can find the link to our new Korea blog!

sreeve said...

Hey, the flat looks pretty nice to me!

Ivy said...

So where's my room?

Auburn said...

I think it looks COOL!!

cherlyn and family said...

pretty nice flat. I like it