Sunday, November 18, 2007


The blog has been severely neglected. I blame the insane amount of work that I have to do. Who knew that 11 hour days could be so unproductive. On top of all that, my school is trying to transition to IB standards. Without a huge amount of detail, the basics of IB is an intensive 11-12 grade program that is supposed to challenge all students. Its like AP on steroids and all students are required to take the course, but not take the test. I think there will be a whole lot of failure, and that is the optimistic side of things. Currently, the administration is asking me to create and entire high school curriculum in accordance to this international program. Curriculum writing is a full-time job and unless they are willing to pay me a double salary, I am not going to be able to do it. They have also told us that a normal working day next year is 10 hours. That isnt including the meetings, clubs, and other responsibilities that take the weekends and evenings. You can see how morale at the job site is slipping a little.

Regardless, my students are producing some amazing artworks. The latest has been the color collage with magazines. This one is mine, its Halloween themed, because of my adoration of that particular holiday.

The rest are an assortment of student picked subject matter. Each student had to cut or tear out colors from magazines. The catch? Each piece had to be smaller than their thumbnail. Excruciating amount of time passed but in the end, I think it was worth it. Here are some examples of my 7 and 8 graders' final product.

The advanced art class also finished their monster projects. I like them and they have a ton of character. The students seemed to like them as well.

I have fantastic students and I adore them! They make being in Africa worth it. Most feedback from parents is very positive and all the students seem to enjoy the class.


marquita chiquita said...

wow, the art work is amazing! I can't believe that they want you to write the curriculum...that is insane! I know that this isn't anywhere near as hard as what you are doing, but I got this job at a preschool teaching English. It is a new thing they are doing and they wanted me to write their curriculum as well. It is crazy hard for I don't even know how it would be to write one for high school students following the IB.

Good luck with everything!

Rachel said...

I LOVE the artwork! My fav is yours of course, haha, and the last one is really great! I'm so sorry that they are trying to kill you over with all the work. You amaze me. I could not pull off doing all of that... it's absolute madness!! Love you!

Mom & Dad said...

I am most amazed at the talent. I hope you are saving some of this work! Have the kids ever done anything like this before? Good pics!

cherlyn and family said...
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cherlyn and family said...

Wow, you have been busy with school and everything. Anyway look forwarded to hearing your comments on my blog soon.